Figma, Adobe XD & HTML5 Files
Landing Page & Website Templates
Website Templates!
Our Popular Website Templates
The most purchased and downloaded website templates from Webplate. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

Our Website Template Bundles
Website template bundles available for download from Webplate. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

Recently Added Website Templates
The newest website templates available for purchase and download at Webplate. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Free Website Templates
Website templates available for purchase and download at no cost. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Recently Added UI Kits
The most purchased and downloaded UI kits from Webplate. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

Recently Added Presentation Templates
The most purchased and downloaded presentation templates from Webplate. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

Save Time & Money On Web Design Client Projects
Running a web design/development or marketing agency means working with multiple clients at once, usually with tight deadlines. These tight deadlines can cause stress on you and your business, but they don’t have to.
After your initial discovery sessions with clients, you can scroll through our catalog and find a template that works for your project. Easily customize styling based on clients’ branding, and adjust elements as needed. Spend less time creating from scratch, so you have more time to spend on other aspects of your business!
View TemplatesTemplates Built For Success

High Emphasis On CTA's
Templates that are built to convert. Boost revenue and sales or increase signups for your newsletter or product.

UI/UX Best Practices
Balancing creativity with best practices. Being creative enough to stand out from the crowd without reinventing the wheel.

W3C Compatible
Standards created by the World Wide Web Consortium to bring some consistency to user-experiences on the world wide web.

Minimalistic Code
Lightweight and minimalistic code to ensure faster load times, and organized for easy customization.

Responsive Design
All of our templates are created with responsive design best practices, to work well on all screen sizes.

JavaScript Animations
Lightweight JavaScript or jQuery code to increase the overall experience more pleasurable and enjoyable.